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Maryland Boys & Girls Clubs held the 2025 Legislative Breakfast on February 4, 2025 at the Governor Calvert House in Annapolis, MD, which brought Maryland legislators together with Club representatives to share the impact that our Clubs have had at nearly 80 locations across the State.


We were pleased to have Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, Aruna Miller, who meaningfully connected her own lived experience with the Club mission, as well as Senator Chris Van Hollen, who shared inspiring words about the much needed services that Boys & Girls Clubs provide to youth, families and surrounding communities. In representing the Moore/Miller administration and the U.S. Senate, respectively, both Lieutenant Governor Miller and Senator Van Hollen emphasized the solidarity of our government in this mission. Furthering this demonstration of support, Senators Guy Guzzone, Cory McCray and Antonio Hayes shared the support of the State Senate, acknowledging and celebrating the countless benefits of Maryland Clubs. Finally, leading officials from the Maryland National Guard, Maryland State Police and Maryland Natural Resources Police showed up in full force, showcasing the support of Maryland law enforcement.
















In addition to State representatives, youth leaders spoke about the personal impact of our Boys & Girls Clubs Movement. Maddison (Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Baltimore) kicked off the event by leading everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chandice Hood (2024 Maryland State Youth of the Year from Boys & Girls Clubs of Carroll County) shared the role that the Club has played on her growth. Jaheid (young leader from Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Baltimore) spoke about the Club and its meaning to him, notably as a safe space during times of instability and community violence.


Boys & Girls Clubs of Maryland thanks: Lieutenant Governor Aruna Miller; Senator Chris Van Hollen; Governor Wes Moore; Senators Malcolm Augustine, Jack Bailey, Pamela Beidle, Joanne Benson, Arthur Ellis, Guy Guzzone, Antonio Hayes, Michael A. Jackson, Cory McCray, Ron Watson; Howard County Sheriff Marcus Harris; Secretary Paul Monteiro with Maryland Department of Service and Civic Innovation; Comptroller Brooke E. Lierman with the Office of the Comptroller of Maryland; Superintendent Orlando Lilly; Majors Dalaine Brady, Kenny Brown and Adam Stachurski of the Maryland State Police; Howard Community College President Daria Willis; Terri Hussman of the Hussman Foundation; Maryland Governor’s Office for Children; Maryland Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and PolicyMaryland National Guard; Maryland Natural Resources Police; along with every State legislator and special guest who joined us for this year’s Legislative Breakfast. We thank everyone for your commitment to Maryland Boys & Girls Clubs and the holistic and impactful Club programming that guides Maryland’s youth towards a brighter future.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Maryland




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This site is supported, in part, by grant awards EBGC-2022-0001, ESR2-2022-0001, and ESR3-2022-0001 via Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention Youth and Victim Services. All points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of any State or Federal agency.

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